After the Great Depression, people realized the economy should not develop restrict. Central bank are more and more important to help the market healthy. Central bank gradually found many economic ways to control the economy like open market operations and discounted lending. The recent global financial crisis is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression which started from 2007 and many people believe it still be continued.
This is a simple but clear video to explain why global financial crisis happen. In fact, the global financial crisis not only included reasons in this video but also have many factors. In my opinion, the over-development of credit and derivatives are the most important factors in this financial crisis. And the weak power that central bank in these new areas is the core.
First of all, after a series financial crisis, central bank from all over the world enhance their ability to manage the economy through policy and market operations. But in the 21th century, with the development of Internet and new financial productions. Credit and subprime mortgages are the potential risk but central bank did not found a proper tool to control it until crisis happened. Secondly, high leverage led to investors invested blind. For example, asset-backed security make poor credit security into market. Finally United States of deficit fiscal policy, high-spending policies and export control policies mean such virtual channels, include physical resources (natural resources, labor and capital resources) around the world are pouring into the United States. It will harm to the economy all around the world. This is my idea about the reason of global financial crisis from the central bank.
In Larry Elliott's article, he divided global financial crisis into 5 key stages. So I will think about the central bank's measures during the global financial crisis.Data
The video collected from
1.Elliott. L., 2011. Global financial crisis: five key stages.
2.Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Facts and Myths about the Financial Crisis of 2008